Small Businesses, Sole Proprietors, Self-Employed, Independent Contractors
Even if qualified and beyond how much could be available; if you don’t move quickly; you will likely not get monies from this second round of funding; and a third round is a BIG “IF”!
Still, APPLY! As these programs have been sliced and digested; many presumptions and perspectives have been qualified; and to those still not determined - it doesn’t matter, if the funds aren’t available. Get organized - BE #OhSoPrepared and APPLY!
HOW TO BE #OhSoPrepared. . .
Understand what your company MIGHT be considered; who you are. If you are able to actually speak with a banker; ask them for THEIR clarification to ensure their application is correct.
Small Business? Typically characterized by having others work for you; often employees; should also have an EIN.
Sole Proprietor/Self-Employed? Earn money; but don’t work as an employee. Business owner, freelancer; revenues from products and services. Often substantial revenue not reported on 1099s. MAY HAVE AN EIN. Often the CPA/aesthetician/stylist may lease and pay directly for a space; collects all fees and pays own expenses.
Independent Contractor? ‘Hired’ for a particular project or work, possibly for a specific amount of time. Could provide products or services. Primary source of income reported on Form 1099(s). Salon collects fees from clients, possibly deducts for space and products; pays aesthetician/stylist. Aesthetician/stylist receives Form 1099 from salon owner. May or may not purchase own products. Probably does not have an EIN.
For an independent contractor or sole proprietor, per guideline, “Payroll costs” consist of wage, commissions, income, OR net earnings from self-employment or similar compensation.
SCHEDULE K-1 Form 1120S NO PERSONAL PAYROLL ISSUED - If you are a member of an S-Corp; and did not process payroll for yourself; you cannot secure PPP funds to cover your own payroll. It’s OK to not issue payroll; as long as the S Corp makes no distribution to the owner-employee to avoid payroll taxes.
SCHEDULE K-1 PARTNERSHIP - If you are a partner and any portion of your ‘income’ was reported on your Schedule K-1 Box 14 - Self-Employed Earnings; these monies are reported on your personal Form 1040 Schedule SE (see list below).
2019 Schedule C (Line 31) and Schedule SE (Based on Net Income)
If 2019 is Not Done, 2018 Schedule C & Schedule SE
2019 Profit & Loss with Draft 2019 Schedule C
Form 1099s Received
Health Insurance information: Invoices, Statements, Letter, if applicable
Retirement Contributions: Statements, if applicable
Form 1099s Received 2019
If you file a Schedule C, have that as well as Schedule SE
Using the same deductions from the 2018 Schedule C
Create a Profit & Loss similar JJ’s posted on Rachel’s PPP
If necessary, create a Debt Schedule; or even better a Balance Sheet
Find an SBA Lending Institution - if you bank with a smaller bank; this might be where their benefits shine. Find out if you HAVE TO apply online and how. Know a banker? Email your PPP-Package with a Bow. Can’t get through? Print your package and go shopping. Do you bank with Wells, Chase, BBVA? Try taking your package to Woodforest, Community, the corner credit union.
Label your electronic documents well - sample file names
ABC Form Sch C 2018
ABC Form Sch C 2019 - Draft
ABC Form Sch SE 2018
ABC Form 1099s 2019
ABC PL 2019
ABC Retirement Docs
ABC Health Insurance Docs
Include an email listing the attachments
Make notes, i.e. Duplicate copy of Form 1099 from XYZ requested - 2019 gross $17,750
>>Link to Local Lenders<< The PPP must be secured through an SBA approved lender
PPP Application link (per The U.S Treasury Department)
More comprehensive, colorful and entertaining information is available in Rachel’s Paycheck Protection Program ~ Progressively PIVOT Patiently article. It includes links to our hero, JJ the CPA. Want to master this? Watch JJ the CPA’s videos where his explanations help make the whole mess easier to understand. Rachel’s also has graphics😉
IMPORTANT! If you applied for the EIDL and have not heard from the SBA or associate within a week; there’s a strong possibility your application was lost. CHECK BEFORE YOU REAPPLY! Attempt to email: or CALL. Check often!
800-659-2955 prompt 2, 3, 2, 2, 4 – OK hold music😉
Expect a LONG wait time – 1+ hours (Acknowledged as caller 1,369; but wait time was estimated at 51 minutes) Still, grab the phone charger; kids; blanket - multitask
Houston to Sam Houston National Forest/statue – Huntsville
Spring to Smith Point Hawk Watch
Mont Belvieu to Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge
800-659-2955 prompt 2, 3, 2, 2, 4
Texas Workforce Commission –
Their links go in circles. Chat useless. These links provided to attempt to make this easier.
Apply for Benefits - Submit an application for unemployment benefits.
You Will Need:
Last employer's business name and address
First and last dates (month, day and year) you worked for your last employer
Number of hours worked and pay rate if you worked this week (including Sunday)
Information related to your normal wage
Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. citizen or national)
Need Help?
Reaching out to TWC
Staggered Access Times 800-558-8321 (Apply for benefits Tele-Center 800-939-6631)
Effective immediately, TWC asks that Texans use their area code to find their proposed call and access times listed below. See below chart for recommended call and access times:
